Phone.: 8 (5) 2496 355, +370 61385291
Viber. / WhatsApp +370 61385291
[email protected],
[email protected]
Skype name: verticia_vertimai
Facebook page
Working hours:
I-IV 9.00 – 17:00, V- 9.00- 16.00
VERTICIA UAB „VVARFF-Auditas“ Vilniaus filialas
Address: Vytenio str. 18 – 315, 3 floor
LT-03223, Vilnius, Lietuva
Business ID: 302302744
VAT ID: LT70073219
The office of our translation agency is located in the same building as the Migration Board of Vilnius County Police Headquarters (Vytenio g. 18-315, Vilnius)