What is an urgent and non-urgent translation?
An urgent translation is done within several hours or 1-2 working days.
Depending on the complexity of the document, a non-urgent translation takes 3 days or more. If our translators are not occupied, a non-urgent translation will be done quicker than within 3 working days.
The duration required to translate a document will also depend on the volume of the document to be translated. For example, if you need to translate 60 pages within two working days, it will be considered an urgent translation.
The principle of our work is to assess possibilities and prepare the translation in time.
How is the translation price calculated?
The translation price is calculated according to characters without spaces. We consider that a standard page consists of 1500 characters without spaces. The translation price can be lower or higher depending on complexity of the text. You can always learn the price before ordering the translation.
Do we translate into various language combinations?
We translate not only from Lithuanian into a foreign language and vice versa. You can also order translations from one foreign language into another.