At the moment many companies need translations every day. We find it important that the translations done by the translation agency Verticia contribute to the success of your business. The translation agency’s team will carry out all works related to the translation services. We will try not to disappoint you and to earn your trust with our hard work.
Translation is a communication of meaning of a written text from one language into another. However, it should be noted that not nearly everyone who understands the source language can be a professional translator. Knowledge obtained by the translators during studies or qualification improvement courses (most often philological education) as well as work experience and ability to master innovations independently and apply them in their activity provide a basis for professional translation.
Translation of standard documents. Such documents as documents verifying identity as well as birth and marriage certificates and certain standard form certificates are translated extremely quickly and the price of translation thereof is fixed
Translation of official documents. If you need to translate an official document and to have it notarized or certified with a translation agency’s seal, apply to Verticia’s team. We will translate your graduation documents, articles of association or any other documents into the required language and keep an original format of the documents.
Translation of specific documents. Our translators specialize in specific translation areas. Many of them have both philological and specialized education. Thus, we offer you high quality translation services in the following areas: medicine, law, education, insurance, IT, fiction, etc.
• law
• finances / banking / accounting / insurance
• technology / engineering / machinery
• IT / telecommunication
• marketing / advertising / public relations / media
• publishing (business and educational literature)
• medicine / pharmacy
• public administration / politics / commerce / trade / business
• transport / logistics / construction / infrastructure
• education / science
• energy / environment protection
• food industry / beverages / dairy farming
• agriculture / fishery / forestry
Translation online. As we value your precious time, we offer you to use direct translation online: our translators will translate single phrases and sentences as well as a letter and other short texts within a short period of time.
If you have any additional questions regarding the translation services, please, contact Verticia’s team and we will be glad to help you.